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Recruiting New Board Members??

Updated: Aug 28, 2020

The effective recruitment, onboarding, training, and retention of Board of Director (BOD) members are customary tasks for non profit organizations. Assessing the “right fit” for a prospective Board member can be challenging, on both sides.

Here are a few tips to make the Board of Director recruitment process a bit easier:

1) Conduct a SWOT Analysis of your current/ future BOD, and define which particular skills, talents, resources, and personal/ professional networks are needed. Identifying the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats within your current BOD structures will shed light on prospective candidates that can bring further balance, alignment, and momentum towards agency vision and mission.

2) Create a Nominating Committee within your BOD, and assign a Committee Chair. This Committee is responsible for creating and implementing the process of selecting, interviewing, and onboarding potential BOD candidates, in collaboration with the Executive Director, and any other relevant staff position, and in alignment with your agency By- Laws.

3) Create the Board Recruitment Packet to share with prospective Board members. This packet should include pertinent and historical information about the organization and its programs/ services, as well as detailed information on the anticipated responsibilities and level of engagement of the new BOD member.

Our Board Recruitment Packet Template includes all of the relevant sections and documents to address prospective BOD member questions or concerns, which will help them to make an informed decision, and can be customized to fit the needs of your agency!

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